My name is Corianton (corey-ANN-tunn) and I am a creative director, crafter, illustrator, musician, designer, and passionate clam-digger living in Seattle Washington.

My work has been featured in eight consecutive years of Print Magazine’s Regional Design Annual, as well as multiple American and international graphic design anthologies.

I became The Stranger’s youngest Art Director at age 25, created numerous campaigns for LGBT film festivals at Three Dollar Bill Cinema, and illustrated fashion prints for Façonnable in the South of France. I've created brand identities for restaurants, nightclubs, and bands. I have lectured in college classes and seminars on subjects of logo design, editorial design, and more abstract ideas like authenticity, originality, and "coolness."

Mostly I like making logos.

I have done creative work for R.E.M., Pepsi, Easy Street Records, The Stranger, Microsoft, Starbucks, Amazon, and countless punk & indie rock bands.

Perhaps I could work with you too?

Press headshot
(Click image for high-res)